Image of young women sharing technical knowledge with customers on whiteboard


With the right tools, technical specialists and other people in sales and/or advisory roles, can harness the power of their knowledge to create unique value for customers. They can also learn better ways to train others than how they were taught.

Traditional sales training does not teach people to do either of these.

The Customers as Learners TM programme unlocks the potential value of your people’s knowledge by making it accessible to others. This results in more effective internal training and the creation of value by ensuring customer success with your product or service
Over the past 20 years we have discovered:

Processes and tools for communicating technical information and concepts.

How to design technical training initiatives that result in true learning and lasting practice change.
How value is created through developing knowledge relationships .

As much help as you need:

Bats deliver innovative, custom-designed programmes. Our involvement can range from an advisory role through to complete organization and delivery of specific learning opportunities to your own staff or external customers. This means we can provide initiatives that will increase the effectiveness of your own people and help you with planning and implementation. Alternatively you may wish to hand a whole project over to us.

Developing training skills of technical people:

Enhancing one-to-one technical communication with customers
Design and management of customer education programmes – maximising these powerful  opportunities to engage with customers.