Personal visioning linked to a shared vision – the ultimate win/win

Last month I delved into the power of creating and using a personal vision to lead your life and follow a path of life-long learning to continued improvement – Personal vision blog.

Combining the practice of personal visioning with the powerful model of shared visioning creates a platform for socially constructed learning and ownership.  Working in an environment with a shared vision is based on the belief that, aligned to a common purpose, we can learn and achieve far greater things together than if we work alone as individuals.  A shared vision creates this common purpose.  Actions become more challenging than the words and the true journey begins as, together, you develop the actions that demonstrate the words.

When the power of shared vision and personal vision are in synergy we witness peak performance of individuals and team.  This becomes a true win/win for everyone. The impact on professional and personal growth is significant and, in some cases, life changing.  When someone can see true synergy between what they are trying to achieve in their own life and what the organisation in which they work is aiming for, magic can occur.  A deep sense of belonging and ownership is developed.  Accountability is then driven through personal responsibility. Deep collaboration is achieved through the honesty and openness.  As the prophet Krishnamurti states, “There is a great deal to learn about yourself. It is an endless thing, it is a fascinating thing and when you learn about yourself from yourself, out of that learning wisdom comes.  Then you can live a most extraordinary, happy, beautiful life.”

As the leader it is important to model vulnerability, learning and growth in yourself.  Utilising a personal vision as a roadmap for growth is an authentic and deep trust tool as it calls each of us to be honest with ourselves.  We need to be careful when using personal visions as a coaching tool.  It is a tool to be used only when trust has been established.  From there, trust deepens as you each get to know one another better and discover the aspirations of each team member.

Using a personal vision as the foundation to build alignment, understanding and action with each individual validates them as a person and identifies their part in the collective journey. The mental model in action here is, “I will help you to become the best you possibly can be and you help me to create the organisation of our dreams.”

Here is an example of personal vision aligning with shared vision (shared with permission)

“This year is DIFFERENT.  Different at home, different at work and different for me.  I no longer want to feel that I just exist and life if happening to me.  A light bulb went off in my head as we started this year when discussing the need to learn, unlearn and relearn to be learners and educators in the 21st century, as this is exactly what I am going to do with my own life to move forward.”

Alignment and synergy, utilising strengths and passion – win/win.  What a great way to live and work together.



Mary Wilson

2019-10-07T14:15:07+00:007th October 2019|Employee Engagement, Leadership and Performance|0 Comments

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